

This event UDYOG URJA: 24 Inspirational Women Entrepreneurs conferred by SOA & PrameyaNews7 . BRACE INFRASTRUCTURE PVT LTD supports Women Enterpreneurs through such kind of program which is structured to sharpen the business skills of the women participants and to generate confidence in them for creating purposeful financial structures and leading successful businesses.& really feel overwhelmed by being part of this honourable WOMEN UDYOG PROGRAM.

"Empowering women is not just about giving them a voice, but about listening to their voices and ensuring they have the opportunities to lead, innovate, and inspire change in every sphere of life."

We have always recognized and remarked the contribution of a female in our organization. Our company is also owned by Sneha jain who runs and contributes her effort to make the BRACE in a height. We shape the dreams of the people for a home where there is no substitute of a woman. No doubt she has the magic to make a dream in true.